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Quality, as an objective, mean attaining a level of performance and excellence which results in NEXUS Engineering is the respected leader in the Erection, installation and commissioning of the plant and Equipment. The Policy is to perform all activities with dedication to quality of services to meet the customer satisfactions.

The Quality Manager is responsible for assuring an effective and efficient Quality control is established. All our employees are committed to the implementation of the quality. The purpose of the quality is to define basic quality related practices for installations of equipments. The Quality Manager is responsible to interface with the customer.

The Quality Manager has the responsibility to report quality problems and follow up corrective action by responsible parties in order to assure customer obligations etc. and in assuring continued, Demonstration and total dedication to the attainment of quality performance.

NE realizes that quality is most important for the longer life of the plant and equipments; we strictly follow of the Quality international standards. It is the commitment of the Managers and all Supervisory staff to provide all of you a good Quality work. 


Nexus Engineering goal is to satisfy our Clients / Customers needs and assisst them in getting their objectives as they related to Construction Sites. We maintain an efficient and safe work environment for all personnel, in our effort to attain these goals NE has adopted safety policies procedures and standard industrial practices for use in our operations.NE Safety Engineer gives the instructions to our all Supervisory personeel's and technicians for following these rules, procedures at all times.

If a situation arise where an employee is asked or ordered to deviate from NE's Safety Operation Policies or if the employee delivers that such action which threatens the safety of the person or equipment, the employee shall immediately contact their Supervisor will be responsible for the ultimate resolution of any unsafe situations.

NE realizes that compromising in areas related to safety, Health and Environment will not be only jeopardizing the goals and objectives of our company. NE commits itself to assize our Employees and Clients/Customers in fulfilling responsibilities. NE targets zero fatilities and zero major environment incidents.

It is commitment of the management, Managers and supervisory staffof Nexus Engineering to provide all of you with a safe and healthy environment to work. 

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